Emotions at Work: Problem or Productivity Secret?
What if there was an invisible force that dictated our decisions and our actions, which in turn greatly influenced the tangible outcomes we create in life? I’d like to strongly suggest that there IS such a force in you and me and everyone.
Don’t worry, it’s nothing sinister. It’s something the human brain is wired to experience: emotions (aka, moods, attitude, morale, attitude) Understanding how emotions affect people’s actions and decisions has helped me coach thousands of people to greater success—and meaning. I’d like to support you in doing the same.
Because some emotions can be so inconvenient and uncomfortable—especially at work—they’ve gotten a bad rap. But the problem isn’t the emotion. It’s that people don’t take responsibility for them. Our brains are wired to experience them, so we can’t just turn them off. They’ve been an important tool of human survival, in fact.
We may prefer to avoid or even disrespect emotions. But that doesn’t diminish their power.
In this video, I’ll help you grind sharper lenses about emotions to help you better understand them, respect them, and recognize how they can directly affect your ability to make your goals come to life. As you build your skills here, your ability to understand and lead others can grow greatly.
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