Do you let these 3 traits lift you or crush you? It’s up 2 u.

There’s a trifecta of traits that make you exceptionally good at what you do. Most catalyst leaders have them, so I’m confident you do. The three together are like a catalyst’s Superpower Cocktail.

And when you unconsciously tweak them just slightly, they can crush your power just like Kryptonite does to Superman.

In this video, let’s make sure you

1. RECOGNIZE this Superpower Cocktail in yourself so you can consciously leverage it.

2. Understand HOW this trifecta could crush your power just as quickly.

3. KNOW HOW to keep yourself in the Superpower zone and out of the Kryptonite zone.

If you’ve ever wondered, “What is mindfulness?” in plain English and “Why should I care about it?” be sure to watch the section beginning at 5:18 in the video.

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