Finding the Value in Your Failures Let It Pay You Dividends Forever

I have a habit I can’t seem to break. Maybe you suffer from the same condition? I can’t stop myself from imagining a better future or a better way to do things.

If you have that habit, that means you’re taking more risks than many people around you, which inevitably means you’re failing more than your fair share, too. You’re probably succeeding more, also.

Welcome! You’re among your people, people like you who also access this leadership library:…

Here’s an important question for you: since you fail often, how do you coach yourself when things DON’T go as you hoped they would? Is beating yourself up one of your favorite approaches to making yourself better? It’s a popular approach. Yet, do you know for sure that’s the most effective way to make yourself better?

In this video, I share a story of a lesson I accidentally discovered after one of my greatest failures. As I’ve shared this lesson with clients, it’s proven consistently useful for them. I want you to have it ready the next time you fail.

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